Student Union Sponsorship

Student Union Sponsorship

RSO Sponsorship

What is a Student Union RSO sponsored event?

The Student Union Programming team will fund a registered student organization to host a large event within the Student Union in order to bring more students into the Union, market themselves and overall serve the student population.

Along with the sponsorship, the Student Union Programming team will also assist in planning the event and offer professional event planning services and marketing for the event. This will be a true partnership between the RSO and the Student Union Programming team.

How much will the Programming Department offer?

Up to $5k per event


RSOs (must be a registered student organization through the OASIS Center) who apply and are approved for the sponsorship.

Guidelines to be considered?

• Must be a registered student organization through the Oasis Center
• Preferability RSOs who historically have not had funds to host large scale events
• Interested in hosting large scale events of 100+
• Readiness to host large scale events, meaning the group has the bandwidth to plan an event and has staff available to be at the event as well as for pre-event prep
• Interested in growing groups membership and/or presence on campus OR already has a good following on campus
• Has a social media presence
• Has the ability to offer something to the event such as a performance, talk or activity
• Preferability has hosted events before
• Preferability able to fit into an already planned event on the books
• Event supports the mission of the Student Union, to offer community focused programs that help students to learn, grow, and live a balanced life
• Event will be free and open to all students and there is universal interest

How will the sponsorship work?

The RSO group will apply and if approved by the Programming department then the RSO and Programming Coordinator will team up to host the event within the Union together.

The RSO and Programming Coordinator will start by setting up an initial meeting to discuss the details about the future event. Both parties will agree on a date for the event as well as settle on how to split up tasks, set up due dates and create to-do lists.

How will RSOs apply?

The Oasis Center will also share the initial email with details on the program.


February 4th at noon – Application opens.
February 11th at 5pm– Application closes.
February 18th – Potential RSOs will be invited for an interview.
February 21st – RSO will be selected.
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